My heart stops,my breathing dies,you're leaving.
My heart is freezing,I loved you,I was happy.
I was born as your girl so I loved you endlessly.
That's it,I try to resist the urge to cry.
The raindrops soak my whole body.
I force myself again,look up and look at the sky.
The rain enters my eyes as I think of you.
And it replaces my tears I have been holding in
I loved you till madness and I was so very happy
The love memories given to me send you away
Goodbye my love love love
Take care my love love love
Even if the tears filling up soak my whole body
Now goodbye goodbye goodbye
Leave me and please be happy
One step,One step,you're going farther away
Silently,i fill up a glass of alcohol
As i hardly hold it with my hands,i let out a sigh
I drink one glass
As i think of you
I also swallow the tears I have been holding in
My heart is cold,I didn't know love
THANK YOU,realy.I now understand that this is what love is!
My heart stops,my breathing dies,you're leaving
Goodbye my love
Take care,my love
Even if the tears filling up soak my whole body
Now goodbye
Leave me and please be happy
One step,One step,you're going farther away
The raindrops soak my whole body,I look at the sky
Even if the tears filling up soak my whole body
Now goodbye,goodbye,goodbye
Leave me and please be happy
One step,One step,you're going farther away